Night Photography Gear

IF night photography is your thing, be sure to read  Buying a Headlamp for Night Photography: The Essential Feature and  Astrophotography with the iOptron SkyTracker.

Coast HL4 145 Lumen LED Headlamp with separate buttons for the red and white LEDs

CREE LED headlamp with red and white lights. Amazon links change over time so the same link can take you to a different model headlamp. Before you order make sure this model has separate buttons for the red and white LEDs.

Choose a planisphere that matches your approximate latitude. To use a planisphere, spin the dial to line up the date and time and the planisphere will give you a map of the overhead night sky.

Planisphere: The Night Sky 30°-40° (Large; North Latitude) by the David Chandler Company

Planisphere: The Night Sky 40°-50° (Large; North Latitude) by the David Chandler Company

iOptron SkyTracker Pro Camera Mount with Polar Scope – This is the lighter weight, more portable version. I used an earlier version of this model to create the image above.

iOptron SkyGuider Pro Camera Mount – This is the heavy duty model if you are using larger, heavier lenses.

Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Astro Pack – Motorized Dslr Night Sky Tracker
Be sure and get the SkyWatcher S20530 Star Adventurer Latitude (EQ) Base which will make polar alignment much easier. If you are going to use a heavy telephoto lens, get the SkyWatcher S20540 Star Adventurer Counter Weight Kit.

SkyWatcher S20530 Star Adventurer Latitude (EQ) Base

SkyWatcher S20540 Star Adventurer Counter Weight Kit

iOptron 3305A SkyTracker Ball Head

Page created December 5, 2017. Updated November 30, 2020.